Once upon a time..

It is 10 pm at night and I am way past bedtime. But I just can’t leave them like that , Timmy needs to get back to George. I could hear footsteps increasing every second but nothing is distracting me to stop. My mom barges into the room , yelling at me to put it down. “2 more minutes , 2 more minutes”. My mum grabs it and takes it away from me . Depressed, I go to sleep thinking about the scrumptious dinner Enid Blyton had for me.

They say one who reads has a thousand realities. That feeling of putting down a 400-page book after a gripping climax is a feeling that is unexplainable . I remember spending countless nights finishing tiny story books that my dad got me every trip back home. I used to wait for the school bell to go off so that I could come back and read. I had a small group of book-wormy friends and we used to discuss about every book we ever read and fought in the library as who would get the new thriller that arrived in the library. I spent most of my childhood reading and watching cartoons. Apart from my dorky childhood ( oh I was a cute dork), Books do bring out this sense of imagination that would not come through any other means. You have your own world with your characters enacting the book. People who read will totally get my point .  The smell of newly printed paper is enough to motivate you to throw away academics. I remember getting caught so many times for reading in class but that didn’t deter me at all.

But all that paper now is taken over by EBooks and Kindle. Well, it is amazing that we are able to access thousands of books and literature. Call me old school, but the feeling of a book in your hand is indescribable. But at the end of the day, it all that matters is that you read because books have this ability to make or break you. People get the most inspired when they read someone’s journey and the lessons they have learnt meanwhile some people break through so many stereotypes and rigid perceptions by reading the right words. And the most important aspect, look at the amount of new words per book you will learn along with how to use it. Now that’s something that will not only increase your vocabulary but also the confidence to express yourself.

To all the “what’s in a book” or “god it is so long” people, start small and start good. Even if you read one 1 page a day , what might seem small , may by the end of the year be 3 small books.  And that’s a huge achievement. You needn’t read long, boring philosophy or a book where you understand only the prepositions and conjunctions. Start off with like a simple story and then move on to big books as and when you are comfortable. Reading is a habit that is slowly losing its place in our world and let’s not let that happen. So may the once upon a times begin!

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