Ah, here we go.

After months and almost years of contemplation, the leap has been made.

With the fad of bloggers and influencers popping up everywhere,here I am just give a taste of my views on certain things I have learnt and experienced during this little span of my existence on this beautiful planet.


Set in the fictional seven kingdoms , this HBO series is  a caboodle of overwhelming drama, action and emotions. Every character, look, scene , dialogue, cliff-hanger, the sensational BGM- I can keep going on,  holds a unique significance that can’t be measured by words. Though set in a linear timeline, the progression and the plot line of this series could be appreciated for a book’s worth. With mighty dragons and mightier ambitions, these characters have grown to be symbolic beings with distinct qualities over the past 8 years.

The exclusive factor of this magnanimous creation is the sacrifice that each and every character had/has made to reach where they are. Be it having a head cut off, to being married to a life-sucking sadist , to resurrecting  from death, each and every sacrifice has its own meaning and  the convergence of these instances make the plotline even more meaningful and binge-worthy.

I would like take a moment to appreciate DB Weiss , David Benioff and of course George R. Martin for giving birth to this sensational masterpiece. If it hadn’t been them , we would have not got the chance to witness this priceless treasure.

Getting back to the series , the character development of Daenerys Targaryen and Arya Stark  impressed me the most. These two exhibit similar qualities of undeterred ambitions and great valor. Arya stark started off as a curious child with a talent to fight,  to becoming Arry, the boy and to becoming No One and finally ending the terror of the Night forever. She  portrayed nothing but unfaltering perseverance and courage.  On the other hand, living with a vicious brother, betrothed to the great khal and later becoming the dragon queen, breaker of chains , every move of Daenerys was to achieve her final purpose, the throne. The stark difference (lol pun) between these two would be their choice of revenge and sacrifice. Daenerys had a bigger purpose hence , she was willing to sacrifice herself for it. Meanwhile , Arya’s need to tick her list off  and to return home made her make decisions that were ruthless but she did have a kind heart. The character arc of these two will be something that I will always admire. The scene where Daenerys cries over Jorah’s heroic demise and the reunion of Jon and Arya will always bring tears to my eyes.

Having said all this, people who have not seen the magnum opus yet, it is my sincere request that you give this a try , for you know nothing.